Tracking Brownsville’s Fire-and-Brimstone Revival

Examining the Growth and Consequences of the Pensacola Outpouring

Steve made many trips to Florida to cover the Pentecostal revival at Brownsville Assembly of God. Some historians call it the most significant congregation-based renewal of the 20th century, while some critics call a “counterfeit revival.” Travel through time with these articles from 1998 to 2012.


1998: Crowds are flocking to Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. The revival has broken out in dozens of Assemblies congregations around the country. But not everyone is singing hallelujahs. The revival has attracted intense media and theological debate.



2000: Some three million people from around the globe have experienced the Pensacola Outpouring at Brownsville Assembly of God. A decade later, things are different but the fire still burns.



2000: Time brings change to the revival. For one thing, evangelist Steve Hill, whose fiery sermons propelled the revival, has left to pursue overseas crusades.



2012: Christians are warned to be careful what they pray for, because they just might get it. That’s the case for Brownsville Assembly of God, the congregation that fervently prayed for revival for years and years and is now trying to recover from the debt and dysfunction left by the revival and its leaders.

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