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Rachel’s Tears
Rachel’s Tears
The Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott
By Beth Nimmo and Darrell Scott with Steve Rabey
+300,000 Seller
It was a Tuesday, the first really warm day of spring, so my Rachel Scott went outside to eat her lunch in the sun instead of staying in the school cafeteria.
That innocent decision made Rachel the first casualty of one of the most shocking tragedies of the 20th century: the killings at Colorado’s Columbine High School on April 20, 1999 that would leave 13 dead and more than two dozen injured.
In the days and weeks after her death, Rachel’s family would discover her private journals, which included her writing about her life, her faith, and her philosophy of life, which has inspired a generation.
This “PW Religion” and CBA bestseller is based on Rachel’s private spiritual journals, some of which were found after she was killed at Columbine High School.
10th Anniversary Edition now available
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Columbine killings, Thomas Nelson published a new, 2009 edition of Rachel’s Tears featuring new interviews with Rachel’s parents and a Foreword by Chuck Norris.
What’s New at Rachel’s Challenge?
Rachel’s Challenge, the non-profit organization founded on to spread Rachel’s message of positive change, reached 1.2 million students in more than 800 public schools in the 2007-2008. In the present 2008-2009 school year, the Rachel’s Challenge school assemblies will address more than two million students. These numbers make the Rachel’s Challenge the most popular student assembly program in America.
Thousands of students have been deeply impacted by these presentations. Violent school attacks and student suicides have been averted. Efforts to combat bullying and racial prejudice have changed the culture at many schools. And young people and adults have accepted Rachel’s challenge to start a Chain Reaction in their schools communities.
To learn more visit: http://www.rachelschallenge.org/
Thomas Nelson Publishers, softcover, 2009, $14.99
Books by Steve and Lois
Lessons for the Living from the Dying
Side by Side: Disciple-Making for a New Century
The 101 Most Powerful Verses in the Bible
Celtic Journeys: A Traveler's Guide to Ireland's Spiritual Legacy
Every Man’s Bible
God's Word for Students
The Quest Study Bible
The Life Connecting Bible
Books by Steve with Others
The Lessons of St. Francis: How to Bring Simplicity and Spirituality into Your Daily Life
The Way of the Mystics: Ancient Wisdom for Experiencing God Today
Milestones: 50 Events that Shaped American Evangelicals in the 20th Century
Music of Creation: Foundations of a Christian Life
Rachel's Tears: The Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott
Rachel Smiles: The Spiritual Legacy of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott
Chain Reaction: A Call to Compassionate Revolution
When Kids Hurt: Help for Adults Navigating the Adolescent Maze
What Would Jesus Ask?
How Would Jesus Vote?
Ghostwritten Books by Steve
Business with Soul: Creating a Workplace Rich in Faith and Values by Michael Cardone
Last Things Revealed: Hope for Life and the Everafter by Jim Dixon
Living Beyond the Pain: Insights for Your Journey of Transformation by Gordon Selley
Decision Making by the Book: How to Choose Wisely In an Age of Options by Haddon Robinson
The Cross: Wisdom and Blessings from 40 Years and 40,000 Miles by Arthur Blessitt
Knockin' At Heaven's Door by Stephen Hill
Work By Referral: Live the Good Life by Brian Buffini and Joe Niego
Korean, Side by Side: Disciple-Making for a New Century
Norwegian, The Lessons of St. Francis
Chinese, The 101 Most Powerful Verses in the Bible